Empowering Professional Women to OWN Their Choices

Does the flurry of conferences, happy hours, airports, hotel bars and networking events that center around alcohol stress you out? Or wondering if you even wanting to attend?

As a professional, it can be challenging to navigate social expectations while staying true to your choices, especially about alcohol.

Whether you’re in sales, medical, legal, consulting, accounting, technology, or just generally running from conference to conference…

We believe that choosing not to drink alcohol is a strength and a personal decision
NOT a limitation or a job requirement.

What is Sober Life Rocks?

Daily Inspiration

Tools, guides, and advice designed to help you navigate your professional life while prioritizing sober choices.

Monthly Masterminds

Mastermind with others who want a balanced life with clarity, control, and confidence and who recognize this is our superpower!

Sober Life Rocks was built to not only help you navigate industry social events, but to celebrate your sober choices and lift you up as a professional woman. 

What Is Included?

Join Forces
With Women
Like YOU

When you join Sober Life Rocks, you become part of a community of like-minded individuals who share your values and support your journey.

Our members come from various professional backgrounds, each bringing their unique experiences and insights into making alcohol free decisions in an alcohol-forward world.

and Guidance

Start each day with purpose and clarity with our exclusive daily emails. These powerful messages will set the tone for your day, reinforce your decisions, and bolster your inner work.

Each email is crafted to inspire, motivate, and support you as you navigate both your professional and personal life.


Every month, we bring in specialists who are leaders in their fields to provide you with new perspectives and strategies to enhance your sober, sober-ish, sober-curious journey.

These sessions are designed to educate and empower you to live your best life in practical, impactful ways.

Community Mastermind Sessions

Mastermind sessions to connect with like-minded professionals to master the art of living successfully, choosing YOU over peer pressure.

Bring challenges and share best practices for handling social pressures, maintaining alcohol free decisions in challenging environments, and achieving your goals without compromise.


41% of Americans are trying to drink less alcohol


The desire for a sober lifestyle is more common than ever.

We recognize the importance of this decision and aim to support you wherever you are on your journey.

Whether you’re sober-curious, already on the path of sobriety, or simply exploring ways to cut back, we are here to empower, uplift, and celebrate your choice.

Start your journey towards personal and professional growth with exclusive access to resources, expert guidance, and a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

Daily Inspiration
and Guidance

Monthly Expert


Select Email
Cadence To
Work For You


Guides to Help
Make YOU The

Bonus #1

10 Ways To Mingle More With Clarity and Confidence Course

Bonus #2

How To Have Difficult Conversations Like A Rockstar Course

Hear From Our Members





We’re not concerned with what’s in your cup;

we’re here to fill you up with the support and resources you need to thrive.


On a weekly basis, I bump Into situations that challenge me. Sober Life Rocks helps me feel like I’m not alone and gives me the courage and tools to navigate from a place of strength.

— Brandi

As an executive corporate leader and a woman in soberity I often found myself overwhelmed and alone at events and networking. Joining Sober Life Rocks has given me a community of support, understanding and the accountability I need while at home and while traveling.

— Heather

Meet The Founders 

Margy Schaller

At 5 months sober, I was hosting my first business dinner and froze when I was handed the wine menu. It took me 10 years to find the courage to publicly share my sobriety and then was advised to stay silent to avoid judgment.

Now, with 19 years of sobriety, I’m stepping out of the shadows and celebrating a lifestyle that has brought me so much clarity and joy.

I’m excited to walk alongside you in this supportive community.

Meet The Founders 

Laura Nelson

After watching a video about Grey Area Drinking in 2020, I decided to stop drinking, and my life was transformed. I’m a This Naked Mind Institute coach, equipping me with the knowledge and tools to support others on their journey to sobriety.

Together, we can thrive in  a supportive community that empowers you to own your choices and embrace a sober life.

Start your journey towards personal and professional growth with exclusive access to resources, expert guidance, and a supportive network of like-minded individuals.

Bonus #1

10 Ways To Mingle More With Clarity and Confidence Course

Bonus #2

How To Have Difficult Conversations Like A Rockstar Course